Welcome to Pixel Pacas!

Chances are, if you’re here reading this post then you’re aware of what’s going on. Those with no clue of forthcoming shenanigans can check out the about page for more information. Regardless, this is an introductory post before things get going.

Pixel Pacas is a gaming site which got its name out of what was initially a joke. The joke grew into something much larger, though, as you can now see. “Pacas” refers to to “alpacas” which are cute, if awkward animals which you can see depicted in multiple places on the page.

The intent of Pixel Pacas is to be a place to house reviews and other musings about games. Sometimes they may be for hugely popular titles and other times it may be about niche visual novels. Really, there are no restrictions being put on content because there are just too many varieties of games out there. Why restrict yourself to one when you can enjoy a taste of each?

Hopefully, the site may introduce you to new games or remind you of old favorites. With that said, let us know what you like, don’t like, or want to see in the future!

Marcus & Leah



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