Are you tired of Steam sales yet? Well, there’s still a few days left to go on this sale. In any case there are a good mix of newer and older games on sale today. Are they worth the purchase price, though?
- Age of Mythology: Extended Edition – $17.99 – Age of Mythology was a lot of fun back in the day. Does this Extended Edition fix or screw up anything from the original? I dunno as I’ve not played it yet. The discount is good but most should hold out for a better one. Wait.
- Assetto Corsa – $19.99 – 50% off is as far as this Early Access title has discounted itself as of yet. Still, with both still being in EA and costing $20, there’s little reason to jump on today’s deal. Wait.
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut – $4.99 – Here’s a game worth getting if you’re into the whole Deus Ex narrative. It regularly gets discounted to $5 but never below. Pick it up now, later, or whenever, and you’ll likely pay the same price. Buy.
- Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition – $5.99 – As with Deus Ex, Grand Theft Auto IV regularly goes on sale but has yet to dip below $5.99. So if you’re looking to finally catch up on GTA this price is worth it. Be aware it requires Games for Windows Live. Buy.
- Payday 2 – $5.99 – So far, you’d be hard pressed to find a better discount for this game. However, its progenitor is a sign of things to come. Payday – The Heist gets discounted all the way down to $1.49 and one day its sequel should too. Wait.
- Space Engineers – $13.39 – If you’re considering this deal then I suggest you back away. Not only has it seen a better discount on Steam, but the Humble Store offered it for $8.99! Some also aren’t happy to spend over a certain amount on Early Access games. Wait.
- Transistor – $14.99 – Transistor came out in May which makes a 25% discount the very best so far. Obviously it will only drop with time. With that said, it’s a pretty excellent game (aesthetically, musically, gameplay-wise). Still… wait if you can help it! Wait.
- Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition – $2.99 – Now here’s a very strong deal! If you absolutely need to save even more, well, it will likely drop to sub $2 soon enough (as Tropico 3 has) so waiting has its use. Please note that the game uses third-party DRM. Buy.
- Wargame: Red Dragon – $23.99 – This is the best deal so far but it likely won’t stay that way for long. With only 40% off there’s a high chance of better discounts to come. Definitely wait on this one. Wait.
Today I crafted a Sang-Froid – Tales of Werewolves badge.