Hey, it’s another first for Pixel Pacas! We’ve decided to jump into the world of covering game-related music! We’re very excited that The String Arcade is our first, as all profits from it actually go to The Alameda Music Project. You can learn more about this tuition-free program bringing music instruction back to schools on their website.
Available from: Amazon, BANDCAMP, Google Play, iTunes, LOUDR.FM
“The String Arcade” is a 17-track CD (or digital download, if you prefer) of video game tracks as arranged for a string quartet. If the name sounds familiar it might be because this project was funded through a successful Kickstarter last year. Composed between Dren McDonald and Jason Poss, the end result is a lovely selection of music that can be enjoyed by both gaming and non-gaming listeners.
First, it’s worth noting the games from which songs were chosen to get the string treatment. Of course there are tracks representing classic games such as The Legend of Zelda, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, and Altered Beast. There are also a handful of tracks from songs that I’ve never heard before due to their mobile game origins (Pettington Park, Ravenshire Castle).
I must admit that I was initially disappointed by the inclusion of mobile games simply for my own unfamiliarity with them. Once able to listen to them however I found the tracks quite nice. If anything, “The String Arcade” turned me on to learning more about the selected games. There are other modern games represented as well via the likes of Minecraft and Portal 2.
Having never been a devoted fan of strings, the music certainly sounds lovely to me. However, some tracks also feel melancholic which seemed odd. At other times it did seem to fit, such as with Ecco the Dolphin, which is a game with quite the dark atmosphere at times. Then there were tracks like the Galaga one which surprised me. I seriously love the Galaga tune and it comes across very well in this version.
Overall, “The String Arcade” is full of surprises. They have taken both classic and modern video game tunes and transformed them, mostly for the better. If you’ve got a taste for classical music and video games then it’s basically a must-buy. Those who need a bit more convincing should check out a sample track and see if that changes your opinion. If you’d like to learn more about the CD’s creation or the musicians involved head to the official website.