Movies are a necessary part of my life. In particular, horror films latched onto me at an early age and I’ve never been able to shake them off. It all started with glimpses of horror such as TV airings of Child’s Play and the Psycho remake of all things. Just stealing a quick peek at these was enough to scare the heck out of me, leaving years of worry in their wake. Would I be killed in the shower? Would Chucky somehow come and kill me – in the shower? Yes, these were legitimate fears at the time. Even Goosebumps and Alone in the Dark managed to creep me out on more than one occasion.
As I entered middle school – and started frequenting Blockbuster Video – my interest in horror began to grow. There I was able to access movies such as The Birds and The Shining. I wholeheartedly enjoyed them and wanted much more. Somehow my interest then veered fully into Italian horror and the wide world of giallo. While I don’t quite love giallo as much as I did back in high school, I do still appreciate when a horror film features a powerful visual aesthetic.
Unfortunately, life always seems to get in the way of movie-watching. Back in high school and through early college I’d watch one or more movies a week. This totally took a nosedive later in college and then once work began. Now, though, I think it’s time to rejoin the world of film fans.
My goal this year is to focus on horror movies because I’ve been neglecting them for way too long. I’ve still not seen so many cult and classic titles from the genre. I’d love to cross some off my list. To aid in that effort, I’ve joined streaming service Shudder. But that’s just in addition to the library of horror films that are already in my collection sitting unwatched. If anyone has any suggestions, I’d love to hear them.
Pixel Pacas began its life as a video game review site. However, it is also just the site that I own, and therefore I made the executive decision to include movie reviews as well. I’ll be attempting to keep the content “separate” by utilizing different tags for movie posts. Otherwise, there will indeed be a mix of video game and movie content posted here whenever there’s time to write it!