Developer: Milkstone Studios
Publisher: Milkstone Studios
Platform: PC – Windows/Mac/Linux
When thinking of the worst co-op games I’ve ever played, White Noise Online comes to mind. Even so, White Noise 2 intrigued me. Would it be better after the developers refined their skills? The tweaked gameplay and inclusion of more characters is a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, there’s much more about the game which remains unenjoyable.
Mainly, it still isn’t any fun. In fact, it feels way more difficult in this iteration then ever before. Players hop into the shoes of either human characters or a single monster which stalks them all. For the “hero” characters, you’ll end up playing something very reminiscent of Slender: The 8 Pages. The goal is to collect radios hidden throughout the map and then conquer the monster by destroying their totems.
The problem is the maps are huge and enemies are quite overpowered. Initially, the monster only has access to basic moves. As the gameplay progresses they gain access to much better – and often unfair – tactical skills. Humans certainly can’t fight back. It’s especially glaring on tightly packed levels such as a hospital with tiny hallways. There’s little chance of running away for too long if a monster catches you in such cramped quarters.
Difficult gameplay is certainly fun for some. White Noise 2 is super highly rated on Steam. However, with a two player team and no memorization of the map, it’s just awful. My friend and I effectively ran around in circles on certain maps due to everything looking so similar. Maps like the carnival are better due to featuring set pieces (various rides). The game looks better, features more items, and has a good sense of humor, but it’s just not any fun to play for a novice.
1 out of 5 alpacas